HPE0-J79 Prüfungen, HPE0-J79 zertifizierungen

HPE0-J79 Prüfungen,  HPE0-J79 zertifizierungen Architecting Multi-Site HPE Storage SolutionsMulti-Site HPE Storage Solutions www.it-pruefungen.ch

Exam ID HPE0-J79
Exam type Proctored
Exam duration 1 hour 30 minutes
Exam length 60 questions
Passing score 70%
Delivery languages English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese
Related certifications
HPE Master ASE – Storage Solutions Architect V2
Supporting resources These recommended resources help you prepare for the exam:
01059537: Architecting Multi-Site HPE Storage Solutions, Rev 16.11
Register for this Exam
You need an HPE Learner ID and a Pearson VUE login and password.

No reference material is allowed at the testing site. This exam may contain beta test items for experimental purposes.
During the exam, you can make comments about the exam items. We welcome these comments as part of our continuous improvement process.

HPE0-J79 Prüfungsfragen & Examensfragen Architecting Multi-Site HPE Storage SolutionsMulti-Site HPE Storage Solutions www.it-pruefungen.ch

Differentiate, apply, and evaluate foundational storage architectures and technologies
Compare and contrast the characteristics, performance, advantages, and use of different storage technologies
Describe storage transport components related to multi-site environments
Describe and characterize the different SAN topologies
Describe advanced backup systems technology
Describe data availability methods and technologies

Evaluate, recommend, and propose HPE storage products, solutions, design components, and warranty/service offerings
Describe the converged storage strategy as it relates to Converged Infrastructure
Correctly position the HPE storage portfolio

Evaluate the storage market and recognize competitive opportunities to apply HPE storage solutions to meet customer needs
Identify the strength of HPE storage solutions in multi-site and/or multi-vendor environments
Illustrate how HPE storage solutions provide a competitive advantage/business value in multi-site and/or multi-vendor environments

Plan and design HPE storage solutions
Discover opportunities
Plan and design
Size the solution for multi-site environments
Review and validate the proposal
Present to the customer

Performance-tune, optimize, and upgrade HPE storage solutions
Identify and compare the existing solution design to the documentation
Optimize and performance-tune the storage solution

Manage, monitor, administer, and operate HPE storage solutions
Demonstrate data replication tasks for proof-of-concept
Demonstrate external array storage for proof-of-concept
Demonstrate backup and archival storage in multi-site environments for proof-of-concept
Demonstrate the management and monitoring of the SAN infrastructure for proof-of-concept
Demonstrate the NAS infrastructure for proof-of-concept
Demonstrate host access/connectivity for proof-of-concept

HPE0-J79 Prüfungsfragen Architecting Multi-Site HPE Storage SolutionsMulti-Site HPE Storage Solutions www.it-pruefungen.ch

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